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Central Conservatory of Music Exams
澳大利亞 - 中央音樂學院考級
The Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) of China is China's leading music institute. The institute offers accredited examinations, providing musical achievement level assessment for students of Chinese instruments in-country and overseas.
Despite not being compulsory, teachers may encourage students to take an exam as it is an opportunity to:
allow students to achieve recognition of a certain level of attainment
evaluate a student's progress
gain performance experience
Students will be examined by a representative from the CCOM.
作为全国音乐教育之首,音乐研究、创作和表演中心,以及帶動社会音乐之推广,中央音乐学院是一所能代表中国专业音乐教育水平,专业设置齐全,并在国内外享有很高声誉的音乐学府。考試内容由中央音乐学院專業人員定制。中央音乐学院考級是學院親自指派的考官審核。學員不但能获得首屈一指的专家评定,也可參考自己與國内學習者之進度。屆由考級定能自我提高水平,讓學員學習如何演奏, 逐步成為一名優秀演奏者。 這都是中央音乐学院與澳洲南澳民樂藝術學院爲了促進民樂在澳大利亞的發展與興旺。
School of Chinese Music & Arts
We acknowledge the land we live and work on is the traditional land of Kaurna people. We pay our respect to them and their cultures; and to elders both past and present.
Studio: 86 Gouger Street, Adelaide SA 5000
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